How Soul-Wife meets Husband-God
Hukamnama by 3rd Guru – Guru Amardas ji
Page 769-770
In Sikhi all humans are considered Feminine (our soul) and our husband is God. The goal of our soul is to “meet” – become one with and accepted by God. God is the greatest, there is nobody like him. We find God when God blesses us with a Guru. When we become stuck in Maya all efforts to connect with God are useless until God blesses us and we follow our Guru’s teachings.
When we follow Guru’s teaching we stay connected to God forever. In reality only very few people understand this concept, and get rid of ego (of doing what we want vs what Guru wants). These people have God in their mind 24/7 and because of this they get respect in this world and after life. They get eternal peace and always stay happy in high spirits. Thoughts of God is like a permanent makeup that these blessed souls wear day and night.
Those souls are luck who are blessed with connection to God. They understand God exists everywhere, and God forgives their past life sins. They make God their #1 priority and become pure by eliminating the dirt of ego.