Hukamnama by 5th Guru – Guru Arjun Dev ji
Page 617-618
*Hukamnama for Dates: Mar 3, June 14, [2014]: Oct 10, Dec 12
When we do Naam-Simran and connect with God, we get cleansed of all the dirt we collected from Sin and 5-evils. God loves everybody and he gives us what we ask for, and when we get off track and come back to God he forgives us. He is a treasure full of eternal happiness and God-Lovers only look up to him for support. But connection to God is rare (because we always ask for things from God, rarely do people ask for God).
This is why we need to do Naam-Simran to get God’s blessing and connect with him. It’s only with good luck (blessing of God) that we find company of Gurmukhs (people who are connected to God). Guruji gives these people so much respect he says that even the dust off their feet is pure because they have Waheguru embedded all over their body and mind.