Hukamnama by 5th Guru – Guru Arjun Dev ji

Dear God, You are greatest King of all Kings, greatest Lords of the Lord. You have the highest status in this world. You are my father, your intelligence is out of this world. I can’t even describe your qualities because your skills and qualities blow my mind. You are the happiest of all happy people, you have the most fun in this world. You are the bravest of all warriors and through creatures you are the greatest lover. You are the greatest family man, and you are the greatest Yogi.

You are the greatest innovator, the greatest of all religious people, You are greatest businessman and this whole world is under your control. Your court is the greatest of all courts, you have the most knowledge, you get the most compliments and respect. You are the greatest worker, the greatest leader.

You are protector of your lovers. We don’t have much control over anything, whatever we do you are doing it through us. It’s with God’s blessing that we get company of God’s lovers and praise and discuss God, which God loves.


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