Hukamnama by 1st Guru – Guru Nanak Dev ji
Page 953-954

– Guru Nanak Dev ji

No matter how powerful people are there’s always something they cry about. Guruji gives example of people with spiritual power, mini-Gods and kingdoms. Gautum hermit made mini-God (from Hinduism) “Indra” cry. Lord Ram (Hindu messiah and king) made Parshuram (who was very powerful) cry when he lost his power. King Ajay cried when he had to eat cowdung that he got when he had to beg – it was punishment from God. Lord Ram had to cry when he was banished from his kingdom and got separated from his brother. Ravan – the mighty demon king – who kidnapped Sita (Lord Ram’s wife) by pretending to be a hermit, cried when he lost his kingdom.

5 Pandavs (5 princes of Pandav Dynasty) cried when they had to do labour for Vairat King, even though Lord Krishan (Hindu Messiah) lived with them and favoured them. King Janmeja, who killed 18 Brahmans (Hindu priests) who laughed at his wife wearing see-through clothes, also cried when he got Leprosy. He had to listen to “Mahabharat” the story of Pandav-Kaurav dynasty, which he doubted.Even Hermits and sages cry when they are faced with hard times close to death. Kings who give up their kingdom and beg become sad when they have to beg. Greedy people collect money but cry when they lose it. Priests cry when they feel they don’t have enough knowledge. Women cry when their husbands die.

The whole world is miserable. People who follow God are blessed with “Naam” (connection with God) win the game of life (when they die). Besides that nothing else works in the game of life. When we are blessed with God, then we meditation to God becomes automatic. God’s disciples get respect and we understand this concept only with Guru’s blessing.

God has connected our Soul to our body. God is hidden within us all and appears with Guru’s lessons. With Guru, one praises God and he is fascinated by God’s virtues. With Gurbani (Guru’s words) we become God-like, and Guru connects us to God through music (singing God’s praises). God blesses us with respect and praise.


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