ENLIGHTENMENT by Guru Nanak Dev ji

Hukamnama bu 1st Guru – Guru Nanak Dev ji
Page 465-466

**Hukamnama for days: [2016}: Aug 3, [2015]: Aug 24

by Guru Nanak Dev ji

Guruji explains how different groups of people have different religious rituals and beliefs when it comes to life and God. Muslims believe . Muslims believe God’s people are those who follow Shara (Muslim system), Hindus believe God’s people are those who bow down and pray to statues (of Demi Gods). Yogis sit still in meditation for a long period and use incense and they believe God is microscopic and God is formless and exists in whole world and is unaffected by Maya (5 forms – Anger, Lust, Greed, Attachment and Ego). People who give charity secretly expect a lot more in return (from God, for their good deeds). Then there’s bad people like thieves, sinners, people who have affairs, liars and other types of evil people who waste their wealth of good deeds (by participating in these bad activities). But God himself has given all creatures these jobs – humans, animals, water creatures and creatures that exists on other planets. God knows everything and supports everything. Then there’s God’s people, who only care about praising God, and God’s name is their soul food. They live in eternal joy all day and night and they are very humble.

Muslims think burning the dead (bodies) will make the departed burn in fire of hell, which is why they bury dead people. They forget their potters dig up mud from old graveyard (because of elasticity in that soil) and make pots and bricks etc by putting it through fire. It feels like the same soil cries in pain when it burns. Guruji says Hell or Heaven isn’t determined by what you do with the dead body (whether you cremate it or bury it), only God know what happens to our soul after death.

We can only meet (or connect with) God with Guru’s blessing himself (by surrendering ourselves to Guru) because God is within Guru (he has given that power to Guru) and now Guruji has revealed this secret to us. When we meet such Guru – who have eliminated Maya from his mind – he has the power to eliminate it from our mind too. We should stop wasting time on tricks and clever ideas in greed of heaven and instead focus on connecting with God by looking for Guru. When we die our soul is not affected by whether our dead body is cremated or buried – our fate is decided by what we did when the soul lived in that body.



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