January 2016


THE ULTIMATE HELPING HAND by Guru RamDas ji > We should do Naam-Simran to connect with God who is capable of granting us endless happiness and our wishes. With Naam-Simran we get limitless joy and happiness. With Naam-Simran we get respect in this world and in the world to come (afterlife). If we have love for God in your heart, all problems and issues run away from us. Even then we can only do Si... »


WHAT'S THE POINT OF WORSHIPING GOD by Guru Arjun Dev Ji > God's Naam-Simran gives me so much joy it feels like I am enjoying a million types of pleasure, millions of Kingdoms. God's name eliminates all sorrows in life, it cleanses our mind, we enjoy spiritual joy and our sins from millions of past life are forgiven. »

WHO IS MY REAL FRIEND? by Guru Arjun Dev ji

WHO IS MY REAL FRIEND? by Guru Arjun Dev ji > My friends are those people whose company purifies/cleanses my mind, a chance to do Naam-simran with, and help get rid of accumulated sins. My friends are those who get together and only sing praises of God (not anything negative or praises of people). »

LIFE WITHOUT GOD by Guru Amardas ji

LIFE WITHOUT GOD by Guru Amardas ji > When we are disconnected from God, Dukh (problems, stress, worries, pain/suffering) takes over and we keep wandering and trying different methods to escape it. Guruji, we keep asking and you keep giving - please bless us with Eternal peace (Spiritual Life) by connecting us to Gurbani and bless me with Naam-Simran. »


WHO IS A TRUE WARRIOR by Guru Arjun Dev ji - The real warrior is the one who has love for God in his Heart. »


SECRET TO ETERNAL HAPPINESS by Guru Arjun Dev ji -One should not think there is any other way to achieve this state of bliss (eternal happiness), this blessing is in hands of Waheguru (God). Only those become one with God who does Naam-Simran and seeks company of people connected with God. »

POWER OF BLESSINGS by Guru Arjun Dev ji

POWER OF BLESSING by Guru Arjun Dev ji > Those people who are blessed - their future is filled with joy and their past was also joyful, and their life in this world and also life after death. People who fill their mind and body with Naam, start seeing God in everybody. »


WHO IS OUR REAL LIFE PARTNER? by Guru Arjun Dev ji - God is our real partner who will never leave us - in this life and in after-life. The joy/happiness which can gets destroyed in a blink of an eye is fake joy. God gives everybody food and when we have his blessing we have everything we need and he protects us with every breath. »

WHAT SHOULD WE ASK FOR? by Guru Nanak Dev ji

WHAT SHOULD WE ASK FOR? by Guru Nanak Dev ji - Dear God: You bless us with everything we ask of you - we keep asking like beggars and you keep giving. What should I ask for? Since nothing is going to stay forever, I am going to ask for Naam because that is the only thing that has no end. Please bless me with Naam (Simran). »